Friday, February 1, 2008

Albums That Take You Places

Let's face it, sometimes we need an "escape" from reality, and what couldn't be more assistive and innocuous than an album that reaches higher places.

I am currently listening to Hvarf-Heim, Sigur Ros's new release of alternate versions of previous recordings and B-sides. I have been enjoying this two-disc set at times after work when I need to unwind, as backround music when I'm reading a good book, and as my audio-backdrop when I'm engaging in one of my newest hobbies, painting. It has proven to be a very engaging, stimulating, and curious album. It invokes thoughtfulness, creativity, peacefulness.... it's album that "takes you somewhere else". A very limited number of albums can do this, but for many, that's not its purpose. Listening to a Strokes album might just make you just "feel cool", and even make you want to smoke a cigarette or where your coolest shades or something. I am on a constant quest for music that can do what Sigur Ros can do: give you a short vacation from reality, in hopes that when you return, you will be in better form.

Here's a short list of albums that have provided escape, inspiration, a one-hour vacation:

Sigur Ros - Hvarf-Heim and Ágætis Byrjun

R.E.M. - Reveal

Joseph Arthur - Nuclear Daydream

Appleseed Cast - Two Conversations

Death Cab For Cutie - Plans and Transatlanticism

Iron and Wine - The Shepard's Dog

Neil Finn - One All


KT said...

Awesome list; I'm really loving Jeremy Enigk's The Missing Link for the same kind of mind-vacation experience,too.

Laurie Granger said...

hey. i randomly saw your blog and thought id comment. i love the new sigur ros. this winter ive loved sitting next to (sometime dangerously so) my heater and put that album and explostions in the sky on shuffle and read all afternoon. its basically amazing.

Joe said...

hey ryan; this is joe yeakel.

I thought this might be as good a way as any to get in contact with you. Looks like you guys are doing well. I see you are playing a show with Why? in Missoula. I just went to a show of theirs earlier this week--some really unique stuff. Anyway, drop me a note sometime at

take care,


Beardo said...

"two conversations" is good, but I have always preferred "Mare Vitalis." It's just too good.

Jon said...

^ Now that's an album I'd like to take out back and get pregnant.